Jokes...PLEASE PLEASE remind me of inside jokes!
Get your Commpass and your Pratractor Big Chested Man!! -No I was watching that crappy movie! -Independence Day? Hey Tamar! Box Seats!!! ::drums:: STEVAN JENKINS!!!!! -I love the carnival but it never comes to town -....YOU WERE JUST AT ONE!!!! Pants 22 times with a belt!! THE SUN SAYS! Winnie the Pooh! Up down touch the ground PUTS ME IN THE MOOD Don't get in a trash can and hit your head on the frosted mini wheats wall Ow I got a papercut...PAPERCUT!!! Hey Byron...what did the goose sound like? What time is it.....12:16 Yeah too bad I had like an orgasm when Mikey was on the screen Call him and be like eh! Walking down the street attached by the neck quaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Conformity week CONFORM OR DIE! and she'll be like errr and we'll be like "keep my father standing taaalll"
Knock knock it's pooh, pooh's pitter patter splash, pooh goes fast AND slow.
I'm a truck drivin minister
Are you going the sped limeet of 2.5?
Well gotta go bye! ch-click hahahaha
And by fittness room....he means gym?
-Pose number five
-Was that the one with the chair?
Pooh Juice it does a body good
Bam bam bam eh them chickens in da back graahh
-Well it IS Monday
-Really???....I thought it was Tuesday
-...well it IS Tuesday
Why is the grass red?
AP Kill
-I thought u were supposed to be dead
-I only got a 4 on my AP kill test
Liocs the total opposite of scoil
Put ur shirt back on ur NOT brandon
-Is that fire?
-Margo: UR ON FIRE!!!!!
If there's one thing Pooh's how to make things grow
Oh WINNIE THE POOH....he's a popular guy
Gotta go skateboardin on my skateboard with my friend who skateboards and i'll hold my amp while i skateboard.

Random thought of the day
5-20-02 If there is one thing in this world that is more misunderstood than life itself, it is the difference between a lie and hiding someone from the truth. Both are used in almost the same instance. However, a lie is a selfish action whereas hiding someone from the truth is often a very selfless act. How is it that we cannot understand the good in people and yet we always see the endless hate and want for revenge? I have often thought to myself this very query and have realized that in general, people are completely selfish. We are a dying race that will end up destroying ourselves because of the unlimited selfishness and want in the world. I may be out of line, but the concept of free will is a mystery to me and I think of it as somewhat of a farce. How could there indeed be free will, of the victim at hand. Where is their free will when they are at the “butt-end” of a joke, an accident, a murder, or even a simple lie?
5-7-01 Why is it that people choose to act the way they do? It tortures the mind to think that there are such horrible thoughts in the minds of those who seem so innocent
4-23-02 Why must we put on a fake smile through out the day...I see all these happy faces and yet I know that inside of each of them the thought of killing themself has crossed their fragile mind. 4-9-02 I've been trying to figure out what a friend is...what a true best friend is. I thought about it for a long while and realized that I really do have one best friend. Never lost touch even though we never see each other, never fight, let the little things slide by and are never jealous of each other...I think that is a friend...that is a true true friend, someone who can stick by you even when it's the worst and someone who is truly a friend forever.
4-1-02 It's really really easy to be loved...u can be totally fake and people will still love u...the hard thing is loving them back and devoting your time and energy and mood to help them out. Can you do it? Would u be able to make sacrifices for someone who could hurt you at any second. I'm realizing now that maybe...maybe I can even do it and get hurt...sacrifice my well-being...because I don't want to lose the love I have gained.
3-31-02 In the entire sky full of conformity the shooting star which is trying to fly away from it all...the the most beautiful and most noticed.